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Horizontal menu glitch?

Posted: 27 May 2009, 20:00
by Inertia
Hello - I've noticed that the horizontal menu has a slight glitch to it. Its not a big major issue as I know that you've not spent as much time on the horizontal menu as you have the vertical.

Anyhow, when you click the menu (I'll use my own site for example) - I click say "Portfolio" which is a main menu item. It then expands to the submenu where I have 7 or 8 links that bring you to each individual gallery. This is all great and dandy so far. Next, I click on the submenu item I want and my thumbs load. This is where the issue begins.. when the menu is expanded at its full length - submenu etc, as I go to click on the first few thumbnails I cannot open them. Its as if the menu is interfering with the link. When I close the menu though, those very same thumbnails work perfectly.

The submenu doesn't auto close and has to be manually shut in order for the first few columns of thumbs to work as links.

Anyhow, I hope this makes sense. I thought I'd bring it to your attention so if you plan to focus on the horizontal menu more, you may need to look into this.

Posted: 31 May 2009, 16:58
by mjau-mjau
hmm, you have any example? ... if not, ill take your word for it. Unfortunately, it didn ´t work out very well to try and adapt the horizontal menu to work from the core of the vertical menu. I will need to rebuild it separately for a future update!

Related link about horizontal menu:

Much needed fix

Posted: 01 Jun 2009, 11:56
by lynxx
I also need the autohide for the horizontal menu drop-down and have searched through the forums looking for a fix.Is there a quick fix for this, where you can just add the autohide for now or give me an idea where I can try to add some code to have the menu close automatically?

My client doesn't want his visitors having to click the main nav buttons to close the drop-down each time they want to view the thumbnails in the gallery.

I appreciate the help...

Posted: 01 Jun 2009, 17:42
by mjau-mjau
well, as that link I posted in my previous post explains, the entire horizontal menu is a quick fix. You want it to hide when the user clicks a menu item? Where is it supposed to hide anyway, as it can ´t just hide like the vertical menu does? As you must understand, this would be a separate way of interaction, which is not featured yet. I hope to have have a new horizontal menu integrated with a future release, but for now you need to consider closely if you can use the one that is there.

Posted: 01 Jun 2009, 20:03
by lynxx
Thanks for the prompt response!

Yes, concerning the horizontal nav... either hide when clicked on or when you move the cursor off of the drop-down boxes.

Is there a way to make the existing vertical menu branch off to the right and down (see attachment). He wants the visitors to the web site to have the ability to select one of the three main categories of images right off the bat, and then a drop down over to the right of the button once they select it.


Thanks Again...

Posted: 02 Jun 2009, 17:47
by mjau-mjau
I remember tinkering with such a layout when I was making the menu, but unfortunately the chose fell on the style we have now. It would require some recoding of the menu to achieve that, so unfortunately its not currently an option.