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PHP Email and Brinkster

Posted: 27 Mar 2009, 04:58
by gtvone
Oh the pain! (ha!)

So, I am with Brinkster for hosting, helpful? Not...

I am a touch confused on the whole email thing. Like a lot of others I get "Could not send" so, I searched the forums and found the emailtest.php test - I run it and get this...

Warning: mail() [function.mail]: "sendmail_from" not set in php.ini or custom "From:" header missing in C:\sites\single21\simonpollock\webroot\photos\emailtest.php on line 8

So, I speak to Brinkster who give me a "this is how to setup your website to use our php mailer" (below)

$mail = new PHPMailer();
$mail->Host = "";
$mail->SMTPAuth = true;
$mail->Username = "";
$mail->Password = "EmailPassword";
$mail->From = "";
$mail->FromName = "Your Name";
$mail->Subject = "Test message sent using the PHPMailer component";
$mail->Body = "This is a test message.";

Yep - understand all this (sort of! after coffee) I just don't know how to combine the two together - imagevuex install and brinksters email spec.

I'd LOVE any help!!..

And (can I slip this in?) the text on my page in orange ( ) like at the top of my images "photos 1/3" how do I change his color...

Sorry - I realise you have better things to do, but any help from anyone appreciated!


Posted: 28 Mar 2009, 15:26
by Nick
Well this one is easy to explain. When I do mail() from emailtest I just check mail function and send mail to myself without from field. And your default from is not configured in php.ini.

But, you shouldn't worry about it, in Imagevue when we send email we are always set from field.