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Install wont work? Help pls.

Posted: 10 Feb 2009, 16:29
by Kaben
Ok, i have uploaded the imagevueX2 files to my site via ftp, but my web page wont display anything other than my webhosts standard page.

I have had a friend, who has a working imagevue gallery, look at my file upload and he cant work it out either.

Could an admin please help me have a look at the files? I cant work this out and am started to get very frustrated. I am web design noob so any help will be very gratefully recieved!

My website address is and i will pm the the username/password.


Posted: 10 Feb 2009, 17:08
by Nick
What is wrong with your site? Does it actually work? Can you upload any file and then access it from browser?

Posted: 10 Feb 2009, 17:28
by Kaben
No, it doesn't look like i can.
If i am honest, i have never created a website before so im not entirely sure what i should be doing.

i just uploaded a jpeg to my root file to test if i can access it, but still it doesn't show anything other than the easyspace filler.

I understand my problem is probably beyond imagevue, but if you could take a look at what i have uploaded to my sites ftp and check that it is in the folders it should be, then it will ta least eliminate one problem for me.

Posted: 10 Feb 2009, 17:33
by Kaben
ah, it may be becaue i only bought my hosting/domain yesterday. I will check again tomorrow evening to see if it is just delays is setup etc.

Posted: 13 Feb 2009, 15:30
by Kaben
Sorry, it was all due to the domain not being propegated properly!
My site is uploaded and working great - thanks for such an easy piece of software to work with!