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multiple galleries

Posted: 12 Jan 2008, 15:43
by andrewn
OK...forgive me for being dumb, but I've played with this for hours and just seem to get myself more confused.

I am a fineartist and a photographer. I need to reflect and separate these two multiple personalities on my website. Consequently, I have one website with a bunch of pages and I would like different pages to have different slideshows as page components, and some to have different galleries as page components..Thus oils and pastel paintings can be kept apart from my photography.

Each slideshow and each gallery may have different configurations (look and feel) and certainly different images within them.

MY confusion is how to most effectively achieve this. For example, do I have one imagevue folder, then use contentfolder=a/,b/,c/, etc to identify the source of files...and if so, do I set the parameters for the flash module using flashvars and identify the globalpath and contentfolder there....but if I do that, how to I change config.ini parameters (not to mention slideshowimagevueconfig.ini) or do I have to create separate imagevue folders (e.g. imagevue1, imagevue2, etc) each one with its own set of distinct config files. Or is there a better way still?

There seem to be pieces of relevant answers throughout the forums...but it cannot decipher a step by step solution to these. Is there someone willing to map out a solution for me and others who might want to go down this path?

Any help would be appreciate....and if I haven't said it before IMAGEVUE ROCKS!!!!


Posted: 12 Jan 2008, 23:48
by mjau-mjau
Good question ...

There are several ways to approach this, but one thing is common: You only need to keep a single physical instance of the Imagevue folder. You should also keep all your image folders and content folders inside the Imagevue folder, because there may be security restrictions for imagevue accessing information outside of its root folder.

Generally speaking, you use parameters to create 'different' galleries and slideshows. These parameters can easily be passed through the URL, but if you want to keep it neat and tidy, you can add these parameters as flashvars directly in the containing documents as you mention.

Just as an example, you want to create 2 separate galleries. In the containing html or php documents:
so.addVariable("contentfolder", "cars/");
... another page:
so.addVariable("contentfolder", "buildings/");
This would lead the two pages to load menu structure from two separate content folders, leading to two separate galleries. What about changing other settings?

You can of course add additional parameters to change the look and feel of the gallery instance. For example:
so.addVariable("contentfolder", "cars/");
so.addVariable("startimage", "merc.jpg");
so.addVariable("bgcol", "990000");
You can basically add any of the settings from the default configuration file (Ex.:

You may want to change a lot of settings, and if so, it may be easier to create an independent configuration file altogether:
so.addVariable("configfile", "carsconfig.ini");
In the example above, all settings will be set in the custom configuration file "carsconfig.ini"

Since the gallery is using the slideshow to display images, by default it uses "slideshowimagevueconfig.ini" for configuration of the slideshow part. In config.ini, there is a setting:
slideshowimagevueconfig = slideshowimagevueconfig.ini
which defines what configuration file to use for the slideshow in the gallery. If you don't set this in the config file, you can of course add it to the document instead:
so.addVariable("slideshowimagevueconfig", "slideshowimagevueconfig.ini");
Other than that, this may be a helpful topic: viewtopic.php?t=2544

If you have further questions, post here!

Where should files be located when i create a new gallery?

Posted: 15 Jan 2008, 23:09
by Cheeky face

The above seems to be what i want to know but i'm having trouble following exactly what you guys are discussing.

I should probably add that i have only had a short time to play with imagvuex so forgive me if i'm jumping to the forum too soon but i urgently need to get to work on our galleries as we are months behind and i'd appreciate any advice i can get (I know a little bit of html but all this is a little beyond my grasp so far).

I think something more along the lines of a step by step example with additional instructions on where to place files would be suitable here if anyone has time for something like that? (which reminds me of a useful tool i just discovered if anyone's interested it's handy for doing exactly that - creating step by step instructions: - it's free too.)


From what i can understand, to create Multiple galleries without replicating the entire imagevuex folder, I need to make changes to the configuration files as per your description. The thing that confuses me is whether there is one file that is altered which directs the function and URL of all galleries created, and so for each gallery created i must add a new reference/s (isnstructions, settings ...whatever) to that specific folder (and continue to add to it with each new gallery i create)?


Is each content folder named seperately with it's own config and relevant files (which i have to create) within it?.

...If for example I had around 300 galleries - all for seperate jobs we've done (we do have about that many and it will continue to grow) then should i create a seperate content folder for each gallery and name it as i like - repeating this for every gallery i create and make changes only to documents within the content folder for each gallery?
...or are your instructions above specific to folders already existing in the main directory of imagvuex on my server?

I may have just repeated myself but hopefully that will make it easier to understand what i'm asking.

If i do create new config file (as per your example for carsconfig.ini) does that file live within a folder created for that gallery or must it be in the main directory for imageveux? (by imagevuex directory i refer to the "upload" file which is renamed once uploaded to our server - I just uploaded ours and renamed it "imgvu").

Also the part about html docs? are they created automatically (as thumbnails seem to be) or is that something i have to create and then add the URL to the slideshow or gallery within that ...for example if i want to create a directory of all galleries available, would i have to create the html doc for that or will it be part of the gallery? If they are created automatically then where do i find them in order to create a link to them?

If it helps this is our existing set-up for our gallery -
It's an index of the latest 10 galleries representing latest 10 events we've worked at:

I need to re-create this kind of set up for access by our customers so i want to keep it chronologically organized.

We have 4 categories each with an index like this.

I am receiving emails from customers asking for their photos and so i'm eager to learn ...and fast!!

thank you in advance!

Posted: 16 Jan 2008, 19:31
by andrewn
I am by no means the experienced expert, but I'll weigh in since others have been so helpful to me...I feel your pain...although it's not terminal and the pain does go away rapidly :lol:
From what i can understand, to create Multiple galleries without replicating the entire imagevuex folder, I need to make changes to the configuration files as per your description. The thing that confuses me is whether there is one file that is altered which directs the function and URL of all galleries created, and so for each gallery created i must add a new reference/s (isnstructions, settings ...whatever) to that specific folder (and continue to add to it with each new gallery i create)?


Is each content folder named seperately with it's own config and relevant files (which i have to create) within it?.
I have two galleries with different setrs of files that I wish to call from different webpages. I set up two separate directory trees of image files:

"content_photos" and "content_paintings"

I created separate config files:

"photos_config.ini" and "paintings_config.ini" and adjusted the settings in each as I wanted them.

Then two different webpages and in the script that calls each flash object, I added a so.Var statement that points the contentfolder to each directory tree and identifies the appropriate config file for each gallery.

The config files reside in the imagevue/ directory (renamed from upload/ )

I would think you could have one html page with a list of events each with a link to a individualized gallery. As to how you create an automated workflow...that's beyond my paygrade. However, the galleries and appropriate thumbnails seem to take care of themselves once the images are loaded..

Best of luck!

Posted: 16 Jan 2008, 22:05
by mjau-mjau
Just to further enlighten Cheeky face:

There are generally a few ways to proceed as I may have hinted in my previous post. The fastest way to achieve 'different' galleries is simply by having links with url parameters. Example:
The disadvantage of using the above, is that if you want to change many settings, the link becomes very long and hard to edit. Also, you may not want the viewer to see all parameters. Next option is to create configuration files for each gallery. Example:
By using the above, you can make all the changes directly in the configuration files keeping the links short. However, the most elaborate method is to create independent html(or php) files:
In the above examples, path to the configuration would have to be hardcoded directly in the document:
You can just duplicate the files index.php and config.ini to create multiple pages and multiple configuration files. Unfortunately, Imagevue will not do this for you.

Posted: 28 Jan 2008, 10:12
by mambrain

I'm super new to ImageVue and have been toying around with it extensively because a friend got stuck and asked for my help.
I'm facing many issues and you'll be viewing a couple of posts from me these days:)

On the 2 gallery topic, I got the 2 galleries to work using 2 different methods, but both resulted in issues in the admin system:
If I create 2 "content" folders (content1 and content2) inside the imagevue folder, this results in not being able to access except one of them from the admin page. This means that I have to create 2 admin systems/folders, each of which having its own config file

If I put both galleries inside the content folder, and assuming they are both double level, my structure would be: imagevue/content/gallery1/category1/subcategory1/imagelist. The admin page can not access more than 2 levels/folder, so it can only view up until category1 and would then be expecting an image list.

Both issues have solutions which involve redundancy, so I wanted to raise them and see if there's a way to solve them while avoiding redundancy.

Looking forward to your input

Posted: 28 Jan 2008, 10:21
by andrewn
no need to have two admins....simply use something like the following to access the two content folders from your browser:

....[your website url]/imagevue/admin/?folder=content1
....[your website url]/imagevue/admin/?folder=content2

where content1 and content2 are folders in imagevue/

Hope that helps...


Posted: 28 Jan 2008, 11:09
by mambrain
Thanks a lot Andrew. That actually worked, but with contentfolder not folder in the link. So it becomes:
....[your website url]/imagevue/admin/?contentfolder=content1

One issue down:) Thanks again

Posted: 28 Jan 2008, 11:20
by andrewn
yes indeed, you are correct. I use ?contentfolder=[] for imagevue gallery content and ?folder=[] when administering slideshow folders. Hope I didn't confuse you too's early here and the caffeine hasn't kicked in yet!! :oops:

Posted: 28 Jan 2008, 11:53
by mambrain
I started my reply with "It did not work for me but thanks anyway" and then I opened the adminconfig and saw that it was contentfolder, so I rephrased/changed my email into a happier one:)

Again, thanks;) Would you know anything about integration into Flash? I have another post here:

Posted: 28 Jan 2008, 12:33
by andrewn
no sorry...I'm sticking with flash in html and not flash in of luck,

Posted: 25 May 2009, 19:27
by djel
mjau-mjau wrote:Good question ...

There are several ways to approach this, but one thing is common: You only need to keep a single physical instance of the Imagevue folder. You should also keep all your image folders and content folders inside the Imagevue folder, because there may be security restrictions for imagevue accessing information outside of its root folder.

Generally speaking, you use parameters to create 'different' galleries and slideshows. These parameters can easily be passed through the URL, but if you want to keep it neat and tidy, you can add these parameters as flashvars directly in the containing documents as you mention.

Just as an example, you want to create 2 separate galleries. In the containing html or php documents:
so.addVariable("contentfolder", "cars/");
... another page:
so.addVariable("contentfolder", "buildings/");
This would lead the two pages to load menu structure from two separate content folders, leading to two separate galleries. What about changing other settings?

You can of course add additional parameters to change the look and feel of the gallery instance. For example:
so.addVariable("contentfolder", "cars/");
so.addVariable("startimage", "merc.jpg");
so.addVariable("bgcol", "990000");
You can basically add any of the settings from the default configuration file (Ex.:

You may want to change a lot of settings, and if so, it may be easier to create an independent configuration file altogether:
so.addVariable("configfile", "carsconfig.ini");
In the example above, all settings will be set in the custom configuration file "carsconfig.ini"

Since the gallery is using the slideshow to display images, by default it uses "slideshowimagevueconfig.ini" for configuration of the slideshow part. In config.ini, there is a setting:
slideshowimagevueconfig = slideshowimagevueconfig.ini
which defines what configuration file to use for the slideshow in the gallery. If you don't set this in the config file, you can of course add it to the document instead:
so.addVariable("slideshowimagevueconfig", "slideshowimagevueconfig.ini");
Other than that, this may be a helpful topic: viewtopic.php?t=2544

If you have further questions, post here!
Hi Mjau Mjau,

Could you tell me step by step how I make two galleries with Imagevue x2.
I'm new with Imagevue and your explanation is a little bit hard for me.
Where do I begin?

Thanks! :)

Posted: 26 May 2009, 04:26
by mjau-mjau
ok, well first of all ... have you set up the gallery in its default state? Perhaps you have a link?

The next step would be to separate your galleries by creating two folders on the root of your gallery(from admin). You will then point your separate gallery links to the two separate folders, to create two separate galleries! =)

Posted: 26 May 2009, 07:59
by djel

This is my gallery at the moment:
(its a popup)

But I make it on a local Server now.

Ok, now I have create two folders in the imagevue folder.
Is that correct?

Posted: 27 May 2009, 04:30
by djel
Must I change/duplicate or slideshowimagevueconfig.ini?