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Joined: 18 Oct 2006, 10:36

foldersorting: by date ?

18 Oct 2006, 10:52


it seems that the foldersorting feature by date does not work.
In my config.ini file I tried da(same result than na) and dd
(same result than nd) which never sort by date (creation or
modification by the way?).

Thanks to provide me some support (and avoid me renaming my folders
so that chronology and alphabetic order match !!).

Thanks !!

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Posts: 4
Joined: 18 Oct 2006, 10:36

foldersorting=da (an example)

19 Oct 2006, 11:43


I can't make the foldersorting by date feature work.

My config.ini says : foldersorting = da

This is the example I am trying to set up correctly: I have 3 folders, under
the content folder.

zrep1, ftp server date = 10/19, time = 1:10 pm
xrep2, ftpserver date = 10/19, time = 1:14 pm
yrep3, ftpserver date = 10/19, time = 1:16 pm

I would like them to appear in the menu in their chronological order:
- zrep1
- xrep2
- yrep3

foldersorting=da should do the job, shouldn'it?

Well, it doesn't. What I see in the menu is:
- xrep2
- yrep3
- zrep1

if foldersorting=da, and
- zrep1
- yrep3
- xrep2
if foldersorting=dd

Obviously the same result as with na and nd.

How do you explain this? What's the solution to my issue?

Best regards,

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X3 Wizard
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19 Oct 2006, 15:10

May I see a link to your gallery?

Some servers, if not set up correctly, will fail to sort correctly by date. This is because date might not have been set as default server listing method.