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Textcol not working

15 Oct 2006, 12:55

I can't seem to get the textcol value to work. No matter what value I put in the display does not change from the default.

In the mean time I have not referenced the textcol field in the rest of the file... however I would like to understand why I can't get textcol to work.

Here is the config.ini file I am working with. The gallery that is using this config is


globalpath = false
contentfolder = content/kristicontent/
singlelevel = false
folder = false
directimage = false
text = lang.ini
startheading = Kristi and Laurel in Bellingham
startimage = content/kristicontent/family/laurel/IMG_0373.jpg
swflayer = slidemessage.swf
startimagekeep = false
imagearea = false
startfx = true
textcol = 666666
bgcol = c0c0c0
barcol = 666666,FFFFFF
menucol = 666666,FFFFFF
backimage = false
backalign = M
sfx = false
audio = 24
audiopath = music/musicadventure/
emptyaudio = mp3alt/
audiorepeat = 0
audioinit = false
startvolume = 70
audiostyle = linear
loopinterval = 30
audioextension = mp3
audioinfo = id3
foldersorting = na
imagesorting = na
navigation = 1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
controlsdefpos = 523,446,523,446
altnav = true
keycontrols = true
subbuttons = below
subbuttonsfilename = true
hideimage = true
imagenavigationpane = true
imageclicklink = popup
altimage = false
imagepopinfo = 0,0,0,0,0,0
imagerightclick = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
shiftimageclicklink = popup
backrightclick = 0,0,0
tooltipcol = 666666,c0c0c0
transitions = shine
showfolderdescriptions = 0,0,0,1
descriptions = false
descriptionattributes = false
descriptionscol = c0c0c0,666666
hideextension = true
showmenu = true
menuopen = false
startclick = true
imagenavidefpos = 680,25,auto,auto
motioninit = false
motionspeed = 1
thumbstart = true
thumbopenwin = slideshow
thumbrightclick = 0,0,0,0,0
shiftthumbclicklink = false
thumbattribs = 0,0,0
thumbattribscol = c0c0c0,000000
thumbpopinfo = 0,0,0,0,0,0
thumbattribpopinfo = 1,1,1,1,1
thumbfx = whitetint,50,3
thumbframe = 666666,c0c0c0
lowrespopup = false
popupstyle = slideshow
popmargin = 10
popdisplay = 1,0,0,0,0,1
serverextension = php
slideshowpopupconfig = slideshowpopupconfig.ini
slideshowimagevueconfig = kristi-slideshowimagevueconfig.ini
sitemenu = sitemenu.ini
configfile =
popped =

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16 Oct 2006, 01:53

In your HTML source, you have the following:
Notice how you are referencing the textcol parameters above. Since you are referring the textcol parameter directly in the HTML document, it will outweigh the setting you have in config.ini.

In your case, you should just remove the settings you have there, except for the line configfile=kristi-config.ini.

In the PHP file we provide, we usually referr the textcol parameter directly, because it is required for the preloader movieclip actually before the config file is loaded at all. In your case, you have made a HTML adaption, so either you need to fill in the correct color there, or remove it, so the setting from config will be used instead.
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16 Oct 2006, 08:58

Thanks Karl!