
X3 Photo Gallery Support Forums

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Posts: 9
Joined: 10 Feb 2007, 16:34

startheading at slideshow

10 Feb 2007, 16:37


I don't want the startheading only on the main page, I want it on a popup - slideshow too, special with text in URL:

.../slideshow.php?configfile=XYZ.ini&path=content/folder/pictures/&directimage=26.jpg&imagesorting=dd&startheading=text text text

How can I activate it here in this .ini:


globalpath = false
path = false
directimage = false
startimageclick = next
language = slideshowlang.ini
autostart = false
autoscale = false
scaleup = false
keepaspect = true
boxstage = false
imagesorting = na
cacheimages = 2
minmargin = 0
maxwidth = false
maxheight = false
interval = 6
serverextension = php
sitemenu = false
usejsresize = true
altimage = false


startimage = false
startheading = Kurt Paier
displaykeyguide = false
backimage = false
backalign = M
bgcol = 000000
textcol = 34507A
tooltipforegroundcolor = bgcol
tooltipbackgroundcolor = textcol
framewidth = 2
framecol = a38044
innerframewidth = 2
innerframecol = 000000
frameshadow = false
slideshowlayer = false
slideshowlayeralpha = 30
slideshowlayeralign = OIM
slideshowlayermargin = 10


transition = motionmove,motionmask,blockmask,tint,white,fade; motionmove,motionmask,blockmask,tint,white,fade,shine,instant
transitionresize = tint,white; tint,white,shine,instant
frametransition = true


showmaincontrols = true
maincontrols = previous,next,toggleplay,closewindow
maincontrolsalign = OIBR
maincontrolsmargin = 10
altcontrols = false
altcontrolscolor = textcol
altcontrolsalign = OILM,OIRM
altcontrolsmargin = 5
closebuttonalign = IRT
customdata = <b>Your Information here</b><br>Use this feature if you want to add some basic information
customdatalink =
rightclick = next,previous,toggleplay,download,closewindow
enablerightclickcontrols = false
enablekeycontrols = false
usekeysettingstext = true
imageclick = next
imageshiftclick = previous
imagepopinfo = false
showpreloader = false
showaltpreloader = true
showtimer = true
preloadcolor = a38044
timercolor = a38044
controlsbackgroundcolor = FFFFFF
controlsforegroundcolor = a38044
controlsbackalpha = 50
controlsbackoveralpha = 40
controlsbackpressalpha = 60
controlsdimensionx = 45
controlsdimensiony = 30
controlstooltip = false


imageselecttooltip = true
imageselecttooltipdelay = 500
imageselecttooltiptext = true
imageselecttooltipthumbnail = true
timerselectreset = 9000


displayposition = imagetop
displayimageindex = false
displayname = false
displaydescription = false
hideextension = true
formatmaxwidth = 250
formatminwidth = 150
formatmargin = 15
formatbackgroundcolor = textcol
formatbackgroundalpha = 0
defaultfont = Arial
defaultsize = 19
defaultcolor = textcol
defaultleading = 2
defaultalign = left
headingfont = DesertDogHmk
headingsize = 28
headingcolor = bgcol
indexfont = Verdana
indexsize = 10
indexcolor = bgcol
indexleading = 0
indexalign = left
namefont = Verdana
namesize = 11
link = false
namebold = true
namecolor = bgcol
nameleading = 0
namealign = left
descriptionfont = Georgia
descriptionsize = 13
descriptioncolor = textcol
descriptionleading = 2
descriptionalign = left
selectfont = Georgia
selectsize = 13
selectbold = true
selectcolor = bgcol

Thank you very much.

Kind regards,
