
X3 Photo Gallery Support Forums

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Posts: 9
Joined: 01 Jan 2007, 22:29

Point problem

05 Feb 2007, 16:48

I recently renamed my contentfolders so my cousin who's currently living in japan would be able to view my gallery (for some reason, his japanese computer didn't enjoy my nordic characters). Now over to the observations and the problem:

I now have two object folders where the name of it contains a dot (.) and one of them is not possible to add/delete files to/from when using the adminsite, logged in as admin with '*' access.

The name of the one that works perfect, despite the dot, is named "Hampan et. Erik" and the one that's not working so perfect anymore is named "Sourras misc.". If I remove the dot from the last one, it also works perfect. So, how come one directory works good with a dot and one don't?