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Where am I??

24 Aug 2010, 18:12

Hi, all, - - my name is Tom and I'm new here, - - as you'll quickly surmise :?

I guess I'm not really comp-savvy enough to have attempted to use imagevue, - - but here I am anyway, - - and having a helluva tough time of it.

I think I got things uploaded correctly, - - but haven't got much further than that, - - at least successfully.

I put a folder of some of my pics in the content area, but don't even know what to do after that.

Supposedly, - - set 'permissions'??

I'm running windows 7 with IE8, and I'm hosted by Hostmonster with FileZilla as my FTP. I believe I read somewhere within these forums that in Windows, - - the permissions are already set, - - but you need 'PHP access' or something like that??

Here's a statement mjau mjau (Karl??) made as an answer to someone within this forum . . .
Glad you figured it out ...

Normally, it should just work out-of-the-box with the "index.php" file in root. If not, your server host has been lazy when setting up the server and not setting "index.php" files to be able to work as folder index files.

Alrightee, then, - - it appears my server host has been lazy, then?? What would I do about it and how??

Thanks for any and all help you can offer . . .
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24 Aug 2010, 22:25

Looks like you may need a lotta help?? The 'Windows' spoken of is the server side platform, not yours.. most good providers use Linux... Anyway, upload all the ImageVueX files from the archive, MAINTAINING the directory structure !! with an FTP prog, once uploaded, test the installation by entering the url in your browser ( www.yourcrap/yourstuff) if it runs, then you can use the ADMIN to upload your beautiful photos... if it doesn't run, then it may give you an idea why not ??????
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24 Aug 2010, 23:30

Thanks for the reply, SofTones, - - looks like I may have finally gotten a little somewhere, - - just don't ask me how.

I did get a gallery to show up on a test page on my site (wish I could even remember how :lol: ), - - but anyway, - - looks like I definitely need to tweak how I entered the folder of pics, - - seems like I'm blocking where it says 'click here to open the gallery in full screen'.

Anyway, - - I'm sure I can figure that out, - - but now that I have an actual gallery and can add pics, - - how do I access 'administration' to make changes and such??

I never did set up any 'permissions', - - because I really couldn't figure out how to do it . . .

here's my site

and here's the page the gallery's on now

Thanks again . . .
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25 Aug 2010, 17:49

I can't say I understand what you mean by saying enter 'yourcrap/yourstuff', - - can you give an actual example of what might be written in there?? Thanks.

Anyway, - - I finally figured out how to do the 'permissions' itself, - - and that went OK, - - and I seem to be able to access 'admin' now, - - but a lot of the files say they can't be accessed with Adobe because they are either not a supported file type otr they may be damaged??
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26 Aug 2010, 03:28

ha haaaa... that was my text of what your gallery url is ??? I access your gallery ok from your link, it just shows me the bare gallery as a test.. you need to access your ADMIN and make some folders of your "content", then in each folder, upload the pics you want in that particular folder..
You need to search the forum for a step-by-step guide ( if one exists ) because it can be a lengthy job explaining it all... You can't access anything with Adobe, only a .swf or .fla extension, and you don't need to open any files, your ADMIN makes the required changes to the scripts...
There are a LOT of wonderful galleries out there, but here's mine to give you some idea of what can be achieved without too much trouble !!
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26 Aug 2010, 08:25

Sorry about that, SofTones, - - I had some pics on there for a few days, - - but then yanked them back off (pent-up frustration, maybe??). The pics worked OK, - - but the thumbnails were just gray JPG blocks.

Do I make/size my own thumbnails somewhere?? Or I thought they were supposed to automatic??

I guess part of what's also getting me confused is that the gallery that comes up on my site looks like a completely different gallery than the one that comes up under my 'your gallery' file.

Your gallery looks absolutely awesome, - - I'm going to check it out more when I get home from work later.

You're right, - - I have to somehow sort through the explanations around here, - - in the meantime, I do appreciate your help. Thanks!! . . .
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26 Aug 2010, 17:58

Hmmm, - - I just re-checked the test page on my site where I have the gallery located, - - and some of my pics do still appear to be on there. They're the top choice on the menu, - - 'Designs'.

No one else is seeing that??

Man, am I ever lost . . .
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26 Aug 2010, 20:51

yes mate, I can see your JPG icons... I don't think it's a good idea to have all the pics in the root ( /content/start...) make a folder in ADMIN and call it what you want, then open that folder and upload your pics into that ( and any other folders you make...)
I checked your pics, they are there ok, it's just the thumbnails that aren't showing ( some very nice designs....)
In ADMIN, select the "CLEAR CACHE" button, to clean out what may be previous rubbish, THEN "Recreate thumbnails in current directory..." and watch for the thumbnails to be created... you should see them appear on the lefthand side ???
In your ADMIN-> SETTINGS you have a miriad of settings to play with ( carefully..) try some later and adjust stuff to your taste ( the EXIF info displaying on each pic ( imagine I'm a customer..) annoys me !!!! and I'm sure someone looking for a beautiful design such as yours doesn't want to know you have a Kodak digital camera, etc: ???) Just a comment that only your friend would make....

I see you posting well in the forum... but remember, IF I can help in any way, don't be shy to ask, I don't bite ( well, maybe just a nibble, but only my wife....)
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26 Aug 2010, 22:12

( the EXIF info displaying on each pic ( imagine I'm a customer..) annoys me !!!!

Good advice, - - I didn't realize that would show up, - - it may take me a while to get to (busy work schedule), but I will take care of that. Thanks again!!
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Re: Where am I??

27 Aug 2010, 05:26

Referring only to your first post, I am not sure what your question is. You uploaded everything you say? Well, did you follow the docs? Did you check the gallery if its working? What exactly is the problem?

The problem you quoted has nothing to do with you issue, because this is related to an issue with a server not set up to use index PHP files for indexing folders.

The reason why it don't go to the gallery on your root website, is because you ALREADY have a website there! Which one you wanna use? The docs state that if you want gallery as a sub-section, upload it into a folder. If you want it to function as your main website, upload it to the root folder - You have done the last. However, you already have a website there, which is using "index.html", which will display in front of imagevue's index.php ...

So, are you going to keep your old site? No?, then you should delete it, and imagevue will show up .... You going to keep your old site? Ok, but then you need to figure out where you want imagevue to display ... You can have both your old site AND Imagevue display on the homepage.
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27 Aug 2010, 12:12

Thanks for the reply, Karl, - - I was wrong about the server, it did work, just not right away (probably through some fault of my own).

I only want it on the test page on my site for now, - - until I master it's use some.

For other's information, - - I achieved that simply by linking my test page to

Any problems or frustrations are due only to lacking compu-skills at my end, not informational skills at yours.

Anyway, - - SofTones was good enough to help me out tremendously, - - which is great because I really do like/love your whole imagevue concept . . .