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Русификатор v0.22.5

06 Jul 2017, 02:40

Здравствуйте, а где-нибудь можно скачать русификатор для v0.22.5, если да, то где?
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Re: Русификатор v0.22.5

06 Jul 2017, 06:54


If you want to use X3 without the link in the footer, then buy a license.
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Re: Русификатор v0.22.5

13 May 2018, 10:03

Karl, sorry that "bump" old post, just decided to check what's happen in Russian section ( since I'm native russian speaker ) and not really understood why you answered about link in footer. But after that i realized that you used translator :D And it's totally wrong translation from Russian to English :D I could say that it's even not giving main idea what the person asked for :D 
What he person asked ( original quote ):
Здравствуйте, а где-нибудь можно скачать русификатор для v0.22.5, если да, то где?
What translator gave me ( I think same for you ):
Hello, and somewhere you can download crack for  v0.22.5, if so, where?
What person asked actually: 
Hello, is there possible to download russian translation for v0.22.5, if so, where?
Word "русификатор" means - russian translation. 
Рус - Русский = Russian
ификатор = non existing word, but if you add to any language (Англофикатор/English translation , Латвификатор/Latvian translation ) it means that it's some sort of file ( *.ini, *.exe, *.dll , depends for what ) which translate soft or in this case - website. 
Really hard to explain, but main idea i hope you getted. Sometimes google translator is doing really funny and totally wrong translations :D
:flag_ru: Всегда рад помочь. :flag_dk: Altid glad for hjælpe. :flag_lv: Vienmēr priecīgs palīdzēt. :flag_gb: Always happy to help.
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Re: Русификатор v0.22.5

14 May 2018, 00:49

That clarifies  :joy: Apologies to the original poster! Google made a mess of that translation, as it came out as "crack".

X3 control panel does not yet have a Russian translation, but it can be made: Go to folder /panel/filemanager_assets/lng/, duplicate English.php and rename it to Russian.php. Then open the new file Russian.php in any text editor and simply translate the values. On the panel login screen, you will now have an option to select "Russian". Unfortunately, at this point, translations are currently incomplete, and that file will not translate everything in the panel. We plan to upgrade the panel and translations later this year.

Thnx @kowapa
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Re: Русификатор v0.22.5

19 Aug 2019, 13:22

Good hour
Translated English to Russian.

Russian language  for Photo Gallery X3.27.6  :flag_ru:

But there is a problem.
There is no Russian language in the admin panel.

There is:

But not here:

In which file do you need to register the Russian language so that it appears in the admin panel?
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Re: Русификатор v0.22.5

19 Aug 2019, 23:34

yarik42 wrote:Translated English to Russian.
Russian language  for Photo Gallery X3.27.6  :flag_ru:
Thanks! Good job!
yarik42 wrote:But there is a problem.
There is no Russian language in the admin panel.
You can add it to /panel/settings-schema.json, but you will need to refresh your browser cache if you do so. I will add it myself to next official X3 release.
"language": {
  "type": "string",
  "title": "Panel Language",
  "enum": [
Later this year we will begin work on new X3 panel 2.0, which will include improved, complete translations.
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Re: Русификатор v0.22.5

20 Aug 2019, 05:06

Thank you!
The translation is raw.
Perhaps something should be fixed.

It worked
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Re: Русификатор v0.22.5

20 Aug 2019, 20:09

Sorry......There are a couple of questions.
1. Can the panel folder be renamed?
2. What forum does your CMS work on?
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Re: Русификатор v0.22.5

21 Aug 2019, 01:07

yarik42 wrote:1. Can the panel folder be renamed?
Yes, and it's a good idea also for security.

Keep in mind, when using the X3 updater after renaming the panel, you have two options:
  1. If you rename your panel to end with "...panel" (for example /xyzpanel/), X3 will automatically detect the panel folder when updating.
  2. Optionally, you will just have to rename the /panel/ folder after each time you update.
yarik42 wrote:2. What forum does your CMS work on?
You mean this forum? It's phpBB.
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Re: Русификатор v0.22.5

21 Aug 2019, 09:01

Thank you.