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Posted: 25 Jan 2019, 06:45
by landsberg
Hallo zusammen,
ich habe heute ein Update auf die aktuelle Version gemacht, jetzt werden keine Vorschaubilder mehr angezeigt.
Was habe ich flasch gemacht wie kann ich das ändern.

mfg. Heinz Landsberg

Re: Update

Posted: 25 Jan 2019, 07:05
by mjau-mjau
After updating, you should always remember to visit your diagnostics page, which in your case is This page checks that required folders exist, and tries to create them if not. I accessed the diagnostics page, and it created the cache folders for you, and now it works again:

In your case, you were perhaps updating from an older version, and did you even use the x3 updater script? It seems you were on X3.23.0 (or earlier), and I recommend you to delete the dir /app/_cache/ manually via FTP (don't delete /_cache/, only /app/_cache/).

Re: Update

Posted: 25 Jan 2019, 09:05
by landsberg
First of all thanks for the quick help.
That's right, I skipped some updates, that was probably the mistake I made. It is running I believe everything again but have not checked everything.
LG. Heinz Landsberg

Re: Update

Posted: 25 Jan 2019, 09:59
by landsberg
have another question, how can I remove the Facebook and Twitter button.

Re: Update

Posted: 26 Jan 2019, 04:21
by mjau-mjau
landsberg wrote:have another question, how can I remove the Facebook and Twitter button.
You mean the Facebook and Twitter buttons on the LEFT side? Or do you mean the sample links in the FOOTER? at bottom of page? They are two different things, as the left side TOOLBAR is for SHARING, while links in the footer are links to personal social media accounts.

Left side toolbar is mainly for sharing. You can disable it from main Settings > Toolbar. You can also edit the "items" (remove facebook sharing for instance), but you must be careful to not break the JSON syntax used to create the custom share object.

Anything goes in the footer, including custom icon-links. Simply go to Settings > Footer to edit/add/remove any links.