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ajouter des subfolder a la page index

14 May 2018, 13:29

bonjour, je suis nouveau sur x3 j' avais la version 1 de imagevue donc la j'ai un petit probleme.
je suis parti de la page d’accueil demo pour pouvoir faire ma page. j'ai reussi a modifier pas mal de choses mais j'ai supprimer les 3 dossier qui apparaissaient en dessous du fullscreen slideshow. comment les rajouter? via code html?
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Re: ajouter des subfolder a la page index

14 May 2018, 23:57

Google Traduction:
Ce paramètre est un peu spécial. Si vous souhaitez que la page d'index affiche les dossiers d'une autre section, allez dans le panneau> Index> Dossiers> Avancé, puis sélectionnez le dossier à partir duquel vous voulez charger et afficher les sous-dossiers.
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Re: ajouter des subfolder a la page index

18 May 2018, 10:07

 Many thanks. good french. !
Now i am just trying to find how to put the html meta name in the index page.
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Re: ajouter des subfolder a la page index

18 May 2018, 13:47

What do you mean "html meta name"?
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Re: ajouter des subfolder a la page index

21 May 2018, 15:21

<meta name="classification" content="videos ski">
<meta name="keyword" content="hors pistes videos,hors pistes films, vidéos freeride,extremes vidéos,video,snowboard,skateboard">
<meta name="Description" content="Offrez vous un caméraman pour votre journée de ski. Service de caméramans personnalisé, films à parir de 25 euro par personne.">
<meta name="Author"content="hors pistes films">
<meta name="Copyright" content="hors pistes films">
<meta name="Robots" content="ALL">
<meta name="revisit-after" content="1 days">
<meta name="reply-to" content=" ">
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Re: ajouter des subfolder a la page index

21 May 2018, 16:25

I have found.
just had it on the index.php
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Re: ajouter des subfolder a la page index

22 May 2018, 02:07

Just for reference, since I am interested in these things:

These tags don't do anything, at least not any more:
<meta name="classification" content="videos ski">
<meta name="keyword" content="hors pistes videos,hors pistes films, vidéos freeride,extremes vidéos,video,snowboard,skateboard">
This tag is already added by X3, from your page "description" settings:
<meta name="Description" content="Offrez vous un caméraman pour votre journée de ski. Service de caméramans personnalisé, films à parir de 25 euro par personne.">
Robots "all" is already default behavior for robots. They will decide themselves how often they want to visit
<meta name="Robots" content="ALL">
<meta name="revisit-after" content="1 days">
The below will only have any effect if you include an email. I wouldn't use this though, as it means you are exposing your email public and opening to spam.
<meta name="reply-to" content=" ">
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Re: ajouter des subfolder a la page index

28 May 2018, 02:01

thanks for all that info.
now my problem is that my website works by this link  but i have tried to move the x3 subfolders and content in the root folder of my ftp and it not works. images not appears. what can i do.
it s my last problem. if you have link who explain that it will be fantastic. many many thanks.
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Re: ajouter des subfolder a la page index

28 May 2018, 02:19

I tried to access, but I guess you removed X3 already?

I am guessing you may have forgot to move the .htaccess file, which is often invisible from your FTP viewer. When MOVING X3 to other folders, there are TWO things you should do:
  1. Run to check that everything is in working order.
  2. Access and click SAVE in settings, to force pages to refresh.
Either you were missing the .htaccess file, or you had a rule Rewritebase /x3 in your htaccess file, which must be changed to Rewritebase /. This is normally handled by the ?diagnostics page. If you have a working link to the moved X3 website, I could check it for you, but right now I can't see that anything is moved into your root.